
Tunrning Pro

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Beyond resistance: Embracing the professional within

If my previous blog post didn’t convince you to read The War of Art, here’s another attempt to show you its value. One concept that has helped me overcome resistance is the idea of Turning Pro. This concept is explored in the book, but if we think about it, in our work lives, we are all professionals to some extent. For example, whether you feel like it or not, you can’t just skip work every day. You’ve signed a contract; you have responsibilities. While it might seem a bit grim, there’s a silver lining here – this is what being a professional is all about.

Professional vs Amateur

What really differentiates a professional from an amateur? Consider sports as an analogy. Professionals show up every day, no matter what. In fact, I dare say that a professional is just an amateur who chooses to show up one more day.

If you, like me, are eager to improve and turn Pro, consider the following points that I am also implementing. I’m not there yet, but I believe the more I continue, the better I will get, and eventually, I will turn Pro.

Practical ways to turn Pro

This transformation involves adopting a professional mindset that treats your work with the seriousness and dedication it deserves. Here are some practical ways to apply the concept of turning pro to enhance consistency in your work or studies:

  1. Establish a routine: Develop a daily routine that includes specific times for work and study. This structure mimics a professional environment where specific hours are set for specific tasks. By adhering to a routine, you train yourself to switch into ‘work mode’ at the right time, reducing the likelihood of procrastination.

  2. Designate a workspace: Create a dedicated space for work and study. This could be a specific desk in your home, a library, or any area that is conducive to focused work. A designated workspace helps mentally separate leisure from work, which is crucial for maintaining consistency.

  3. Set clear goals and deadlines: Professionals work towards clear, often stringent deadlines. Set realistic goals and deadlines for yourself to emulate this aspect of professional life. Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable parts with their own deadlines can help maintain a steady pace and avoid last-minute rushes.

  4. Accountability: In a professional setting, accountability is key. You can replicate this by holding yourself accountable or partnering with a peer for mutual accountability. Regularly update your progress with someone else or maintain a log that tracks your activities and progress. This can motivate you to stay on course.

  5. Embrace discipline over motivation: While motivation can fluctuate, discipline is more reliable. Turning pro means prioritising discipline and commitment over waiting for the right mood or inspiration. This means doing the work even when you don’t feel like it, which is essential for consistency.

  6. Review and adjust: Regularly review your performance and the effectiveness of your strategies. Are you meeting your goals? What challenges are you facing? Adjust your methods and strategies based on these reviews. This continuous improvement cycle is a hallmark of professional behaviour.

  7. Prioritise your tasks: Understand the importance of each task and prioritise them accordingly. This helps in managing time effectively and ensuring that key tasks are not left until it’s too late.

By integrating these practices into your daily life, you can foster a more professional approach to your work and studies, which will help you maintain consistency, improve productivity, and achieve better results.

All the best in turning Pro!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.